June 10, 2019

HealthChat with Rashik Parmar MBE

Kings Fund, 11-13 Cavendish Square, London


Rashik Parmar is a Fellow of IBM, the leader of IBM’s European technical community and an IBM Distinguished Engineer. He was previously President of IBM’s Academy of Technology and has spent his whole career immersed in technology and artifical intelligence. We are thrilled to welcome him as our June HealthChat guest.

Artifical Intelligence (AI) and technology are already present in our healthcare environment and yet are poised to impact on the health economy as never before. From consultations to diagnostics and from population health to personal health records, digital technology is accelerating its march and effect. One only has to skim the NHS long term plan to understand the faith being given to it.

We felt that it was time to hear an overview of where technology, AI and data mapping is right now and where it will take us – and who better to guide us than Rashik Parmar?